Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Balance Yourself
Instead of traditional methods like pills and creams, SG uses BioTE® bioidentical hormone pellets and inserts them right underneath the skin. This method slowly releases the exact amount of bioidentical hormones your body needs. We use two hormones Testosterone and Estradiol, they are the most common hormones that decrease naturally as we age.
What is the Procedure like?
Before the procedure, SG requires a blood test. We do blood tests in house! Once we get the results back, we then analyze the blood test results to figure out the perfect amount of bioidentical hormone your body needs. The procedure takes about 20 mins to complete and most of that time we are waiting for the local numbing medication to kick in. Once you are numb, we place a small incision right above your buttock. The incision is no bigger than a grain of rice. Then we insert the pellets into your incision, the number of pellets varies for each person due to their blood test results. Once the pellets are inserted. We place a Band-Aid on the cut and send you on your way along with some aftercare instructions.
Who Would Benefit?
Anyone above the age of 25, men and women. If they are feeling any of these symptoms you may have a hormone imbalance.
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Poor Mental Focus and Memory
- Joint Paint
- Decrease Muscle Strength
- Reduce Sex drive and Performance
- Hot Flashes or Night Sweats
Schedule your appointment!
Treatment Benefits for Women
Less Stress
Sleep Easier
Natural Weight Loss
Stronger Bone Mass
Improved Memory and Focus
Decreased Symptoms from Menopause
Treatment Benefits for Men
Sleep Easier
Less Stress
Increase Muscle Mass
Improved Memory and Focus
Stronger Bone Mass
Increased Energy
FAQ on Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy
They are derived from a natural plant source and professionally compounded to be biologically identical to the human form of estradiol and testosterone. The body is given what it can no longer produce.
The quality of life given back to every man or woman is second to none. - Increased energy levels -Restore or increase sexual drive -Consistency in moods – no more roller coaster effect -Relief from anxiety and depression -Decreased body fat -Increased mental clarity and focus -Greater capacity for getting the body in shape.
It depends on the person, but anywhere from 4-6 months.
Unlike other forms of hormone therapy, there are few side effects. Two percent of patients experience mild acne or facial hair, and less than 1% experience hair thinning. All of these mild side effects are easily treatable.
BioTE® Medical’s hormone pellet therapy side effects are minimal when compared to other hormone delivery methods. That’s because BHRT pellet therapy delivers consistent amounts of hormones 24 hours a day, for 4 to 6 months.
Yes! Bio-identical therapy has had remarkable success with hormone-related headaches.
Bio-identical absorbable estrogen is the most important hormone for a woman to protect her against heart attack, stroke, as well as osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. Synthetic estrogen taken orally does not offer universal benefits.
Good hormone balance will greatly improve your sexual desires.
There is less chance of hair growth with bio-identical hormones.
Unless the uterus has been removed, women will also need progesterone, to protect the uterine lining.
There are a number of ways that hormone pellet therapy differs from bio-identical creams. BHRT pellet therapy is injected subcutaneously, resting beneath the skin. This injection eliminates the “roller coaster” effect that often accompanies BHRT creams.