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Vampire Breastlift

What is the Vampire Breastlift?

The Vampire Breastlift stimulates the skin to form its own collagen and tighten the area around the breast. This boosts cells to repair and rejuvenate themselves. This multiples breast tissue in the area it’s injected. The Vampire Breastlift improves breast shape, overall lift and improves the appearance of cleavage. Our friends see a considerable lifting in their breasts immediately and the full effects will be seen after 3 months.

Vampire Facelift
Vampire Facelift

What is the Process?

All vampire procedures start with a simple blood draw. We then place your blood in a centrifuge. This spins your blood so fast that it separates the red blood cells from the platelets and plasma. Once the blood separates, we fill a syringe with the platelet plasma. We sterilize the area, to prevent infection, and inject the plasma into the various parts of the breast. Our friends do not feel any discomfort other than the prick of a needle. You may be tender around the injection site but will resolve within a day.

Treatment Benefits

Improve Breast Shape

Increase Appearance of Cleavage

Natural Lifting of Breast

Make an appointment with us to see for yourself!

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