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IV Therapies

What is a IV Therapy?

Are you curious about IV (intravenous) treatment? It’s actually a really helpful way to give your body exactly what it needs. With IV therapy, fluids, or nutrients can be delivered directly into your bloodstream through a vein. This means you get the benefits you need much faster and more effectively! It’s completely safe and highly effective. 

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What is the Process?

First, you’ll simply start with a consultation with one of our medical professionals. We will go over your goals and medical history to ensure that you get the right IV treatment for your needs. Then, we will set up the necessary equipment and fluids in a sterile environment. During the IV treatment, a small needle will be inserted into a vein in your arm or hand and the IV bag containing fluids will be hung on a stand. The flow rate will be adjusted according to your needs and the duration of the treatment will depend on your specific treatment plan. You can relax and even participate in some calming activities during the session. After the treatment, we will remove the needle and provide any necessary post-treatment instructions. Remember, we prioritize your safety and health, so it’s important to disclose your medical history to minimize risks.

Choose Your IV Treatment

IV Fountain of Youth

This formula detoxifies the body and promotes noticeably healthier skin, hair and nails because it contains glutathione, B vitamins, and vitamin C.

IV Natural Defense

If you're feeling under the weather or are already sick with the common cold or flu, this high dose of vitamin C and other nutrients will boost the immune system, so you can bounce back quickly and live life to the fullest.

Make an appointment with us to see for yourself!

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